
There are hundreds of similar mobile games like Zum-Zum. You know Abracadaball, Luxor and many others, but only this one certainly gets your attention. Herocraft took pleasure in many details. The basic principle is to shoot coloured balls into progressing chain, than it reaches into the scarab??�s lair.
When you shoot at least three balls with the same colour, they dissappear and you are rewarded with points. You also receive some helpful bonuses, which bring you many advantages in being more powerful.The chain can be slowed, or reversed. Your strenghts is more destructive, because you can get better equipments like some kind of rockets. All these smallnests bring into Zum-Zum great atmosphere.
Including the brilliant gameplay, Zum-Zum offers beautifuly environment, which is filled of Egyptian motives. In the end of each capitol you crash a piece of sarcophagus with magical treasures. There are around 35 levels designed with Egyptian themes. We are pleased to see any of these effects, but despite of them Zum-Zum is not so innovative and Herocraft made little clone with more bonuses.
Finally, we can say word or two about modes. It is not too much as you may think, but for this type of mobile games it is enough.The game contains two modes. In the ,,Quest??? you carry out various tasks and the ,, Survival??? is pretty tough as well as whole game, but it does not matter, because you will enjoy this mobile game

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